



Assistant Professor
Ali Doğukan Anğın

Ali Doğukan Anğın was born in Adana (Kadirli) and completed his high school education in Adana Anatolian High School in 2001. After graduating from Istanbul University Cerrahpaşa Faculty of Medicine, which he started in 2001 after high school, in 2007, he preferred the field of obstetrics and gynecology and was entitled to work in Marmara University Faculty of Medicine, Gynecology and Obstetrics Clinic. In 2015, he was appointed as the chief clinical assistant (chief assistant) in the gynecology and obstetrics clinic of Istanbul Dr. Lütfi Kırdar Kartal Training and Research Hospital and continued his duty as chief assistant in the same clinic for 5 years. He received the title of Associate Professor in 2004.

He performed the follow-up and treatment of sexual dysfunctions such as female sexual desire and satisfaction problems, especially vaginismus, and aesthetic operations in the sexual dysfunctions polyclinic that he established at the training and research hospital where he worked.

He received training in sexual therapy, marriage and couple therapy, psychotherapy and hypnotherapy. He has participated in genital aesthetics and sexology courses many times and is currently providing training for his colleagues in the field of Advanced Genital Aesthetics and Cosmetic Gynecology. He continues to share his knowledge and experience with his colleagues at scientific congresses and training programs. He continues to work on all the gynecological diseases, especially genital aesthetics and sexual dysfunctions, in his private clinic in Bağdat Caddesi, Kadıköy, İstanbul. He is married and has 2 children.

Genital Aesthetic Operations

“You don’t need to turn off the lights anymore”

Part 1

“Get your self confidence back”

Part 2


The clitoris is an important organ for women’s sexual pleasure and orgasm function. In some women, the excess tissue in the inner lips, called the ‘labium minus’, reaches onto the clitoris. The presence of more skin than normal on the clitoris causes women to not be able to enjoy sexual intercourse and therefore brings along various complaints such as lack of sexual drive. In order to eliminate these problems, the excess skin tissue on the clitoris is removed and the wrinkles are straightened. This operation is called clitoral hoodoplasty.

Labiaplasty Operation

Genital lips tend to enlarge with age and can sometimes show excessive growth. Such shape changes, which can develop at any age, can cause problems that affect a person’s quality of life. Labiaplasty is a genital aesthetic operation performed to make the genital lips smaller if they are larger than normal, saggy, dark-coloured or wrinkled, and to give them a symmetrical and beautiful appearance. Our country is one of the leading countries in genital aesthetic surgeries. When applied with the right technique, it provides many benefits not only aesthetically, but also functionally and sexually.

G Spot

The purpose of G-spot enlargement is to increase sexual pleasure and facilitate orgasm. The area on the anterior wall of the vagina, which is considered the G spot, is enlarged by injecting a filler (hyaluronic acid or adipose tissue). The process duration is 5-10 minutes. It is not recommended to have intercourse for three days after the G-spot injection. No serious pain is experienced during the procedure. Especially in women who can experience a clitoral orgasm but cannot experience orgasm during vaginal sexual intercourse, G spot injection can be combined with sexual therapy to provide very good results.

Our Other Treatments

Holywood Vagina

Hollywood Vagina aesthetics is one of the most preferred aesthetic procedures by patients. The aim of Hollywood Vagina aesthetics is to shorten the inner lips in the genital area and to achieve an aesthetic appearance. Hollywood vagina aesthetics is a procedure that includes shortening the inner lips, reducing the clitoral part, and applying oil filling to the outer lips. It ensures the formation of a sexy and thin line called the Venus line by preventing the presence of any excess tissue hanging out when the legs are closed, sitting or standing.

What is Hollywood Vagina?

Hollywood Vagina aesthetics is a procedure that makes the sagging and large genital area look fuller and aesthetically pleasing with various labiaplasty surgeries. The aim of Hollywood Vagina aesthetics is to remove wrinkles, remove sagging tissues, prevent the appearance of the inner lips, and to obtain a more aesthetic and pleasant appearance by keeping the outer lips inside.

Why is Hollywood Vagina performed?

Having an aesthetic appearance is the first factor in the application of Hollywood Vagina Aesthetics. At the same time, factors such as increasing sexual pleasure, increasing self-confidence, being more comfortable in social environments, reducing the risk of hygiene and infection are among the reasons for applying the Hollywood Vagina procedure.

For Whom Can Hollywood Vagina Be Applied?

Hollywood Vagina procedure can be applied to people with sagging outer and inner lips, people with deformities in the postpartum genital area, people who have problems in getting sexual pleasure, and people with excess fat in the clitoris.

How and Where Is Hollywood Vagina Performed?

Hollywood Vagina is performed using general or local anesthesia. When starting the Hollywood Vagina procedure, the clitoral hudoplasty is performed first. Then, a fuller appearance is obtained by applying oil filling to the weak points. Thus, the desired aesthetic Venus appearance is achieved and the process is terminated. Hollywood Vagina surgery can be performed in a hospital or clinic setting, depending on the preference of the patient and the physician.

What awaits you after Hollywood Vagina?

No hospitalization is required after Hollywood Vagina Aesthetics. After the surgery, there is usually no serious pain. After a few days of rest following the operation, it is easy to return to daily life.

What is Labiaplasty?

The labiaplasty procedure aims to reduce the size of the labia minora (internal tissues of the female genital organs) to be aligned with the labia majora (outer part of the female genital organs). This procedure involves the use of many different surgical techniques, depending on the patient’s particular situation. In general, the process of straightening the lips is called labiaplasty. When we say labiaplasty, which is one of the most common genital operations, we rather mean, the process of reducing, cutting and repairing the labia minora, we can also name it minor labiaplasty or labium minoroplasty.

Why is Labiaplasty Performed?

Labiaplasty is performed to reduce the size of the genital lips if they are larger than normal, saggy, dark-colored or wrinkled, to make them look symmetrical and beautiful, and to eliminate sexual and functional disorders.

For Whom Can Labiaplasty Be Applied?

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to reduce or enlarge the size of your labia. Surgery is done to improve the appearance of your labia or to reduce the physical discomfort. There are many reasons for labiaplasty operation, some of which are; deterioration in body image, loss of self-confidence, embarrassment, frequent vaginal infection, pain during sexual intercourse, hygiene problems during menstruation, irritation problems, having trouble while wearing clothes. It should not be done in girls younger than 18 unless absolutely necessary because the labia continues to develop from adolescence to early adulthood.

How and Where Is Labiaplasty Performed?

Labiaplasty can be performed using general anesthesia or local anesthesia. It involves shortening or reshaping the vaginal lips. The unwanted parts are removed and then aesthetic sutures are placed. In addition, if there are some brown or black color changes, they are removed during the process. Labiaplasty surgery can be performed in a hospital or clinic setting, depending on the preference of the patient and the physician.

What awaits you after labiaplasty?

There is no serious pain after labiaplasty. You can quickly return to your daily life. Recovery takes 6-8 weeks.

What is Clitoral Hoodoplasty?

Clitoral hoodoplasty is an operation that aims to bring this area a more aesthetic appearance by removing excess skin folds on the clitoris and removing wrinkles. It is also known as ‘clitoris aesthetics’.

Why is Clitoral Hoodoplasty performed?

In cases of dissatisfaction with the external appearance of the vagina, in cases where there is too much skin on the clitoral, excess skin may cause irritation when wearing clothes or exercising. Decreased sexual arousal due to excess skin causes decreased ability to have an orgasm. However, after clitoris aesthetics, women can have orgasms in a much shorter time as they start to enjoy sexual life.

For whom can Clitoral Hoodoplasty be applied?

Hoodoplasty can be performed on anyone over the age of 18. Before the procedure, patients are examined by a physician in terms of their suitability for this surgery. Thus, possible problems that may be experienced during the operation are prevented.

How and where is Clitoral Hoodoplasty performed?

Clitoral Hudoplasty is performed under anesthesia to ensure patient safety and comfort and is often combined with labiaplasty. The technique used involves bilateral excision of the tissues covering the clitoris. While the clitoral hood is reduced in size, the clitoris and nerves are not affected. Patients experience minimal recovery time and can return to work in 2-3 days and continue exercise and sexual activity in approximately 6-8 weeks. During the recovery phase, some edema and swelling may occur.

What awaits you after Clitoral Hoodoplasty?

After discharge, having a shower is not recommended for 3 days, and a pouch should not be applied to the genital area for the next 6 weeks. Avoid wearing very tight underwear for 6 weeks after surgery.

What is a G spot injection?

G-spot injection is a simple, non-surgical procedure that can be performed under clinical conditions, which involves injecting the hyaluronic acid filler into G-spot. By strengthening the G-spot, sexual satisfaction can be achieved more easily.

Why is G spot injection applied?

It aims to increase sexual pleasure, facilitate orgasm, and make orgasm more satisfying.

For whom can the G spot injection be applied?

G spot injection is applied to people who have difficulty reaching orgasm. G-spot injections are not recommended for those seeking treatment for certain sexual dysfunctions such as low libido, or who have never experienced orgasm.

How and where is the G spot injection applied?

The area on the anterior wall of the vagina, which is considered the G spot, is enlarged by the injection of filler (hyaluronic acid or adipose tissue). It is a painless procedure, it can be done in the clinic. It has been reported that the G-spot becomes much more sensitive and stimulated more easily after being enlarged.

What awaits you after the G spot injection?

No recovery time is required. You are ready to continue your day! You can have normal sexual activity after 2-3 days.

What is vaginoplasty?

Vaginoplasty is a surgical procedure that tightens, reconstructs or restores the original appearance of the vagina.

Why is vaginoplasty applied?

Surgical or laser/radiofrequency technology can be applied to narrow and tighten the vagina, which enlarges over time. This enlargement, which occurs with the weakening of the vaginal muscles, may be accompanied by conditions such as vaginal flatulence or urinary incontinence in the future.Vaginoplasty operations can also prevent these problems.

For whom can vaginoplasty be applied?

Individuals seeking the repair of birth defects or trauma to improve sexual function. Those who cannot feel the fullness in the intercourse due to expansion over the years. Women who need vaginal reconstruction after the repair of the vagina to treat radiation or cancer or other conditions. Trans people who have undergone sex reassignment surgery. Women who are born with congenital abnormalities (problems caused by birth) that affect the development of the vagina.

How and where is Surgical Vaginoplasty performed?

It is surgical intervention. This is why operating room procedures are necessary. The operation can also be performed by anaesthetizing the lower half of the body (spinal anesthesia). However, general anesthesia is also preferred generally for the psychological comfort of the patient. Depending on the state of the anesthesia, the patient may need to come hungry or full.

What is vaginal tightening without surgery?

Vaginal tightening can be done without surgery with radiofrequency and laser. Its most important advantages are that it is painless, does not require a recovery process, and the patients can return to routine life on the same day. Sexual life can start on the same day, sometimes 6-7 days may require. Since it is a vaginal renewal, it also makes it easier to have an orgasm. In general, 2-3 sessions may be required.

What awaits you after vaginoplasty?

Recovery may last from a few weeks to several months, depending on the extent of the surgery. Post-operative care after vaginoplasty depends on the type of vaginoplasty performed.

What is perineoplasty?

Perineoplasty is a surgical procedure that narrows the area between the vagina opening and the anus, that is the perineum, repairs the defects and repairs the scars. It narrows the vaginal opening.

Why is perineoplasty applied?

In women who had a normal delivery, the perineum may have ruptured and episiotomy damage may have developed.Tissue and muscles in this area may be stretched or have a recovery defect. It is preferred for this reason.

For whom is perineoplasty applied?

Inflammation, the opening of postpartum episiotomy sutures, difficult and traumatic births, and giving birth at home are the main causes of perineal tears and their unpleasant appearance. On the other hand, poorly healed episiotomy incisions can sometimes cause pain during sexual intercourse. The problem of dyspareunia (pain during sexual intercourse) can be recovered with perineoplasty.

How and where is perineoplasty performed?

Perineoplasty is an outpatient procedure that usually takes about an hour under general or local anesthesia. Rarely, hospitalization is required. A 'V' shaped or rhombic incision is made in the posterior vaginal wall. Scar tissue, protrusions and other damage are recovered. Depending on the reason for the surgery, the muscles are either stretched or loosened to straighten the problem and are carefully stitched. After a short recovery period, the patient is allowed to go home.

What awaits you after perineoplasty?

The average recovery time after perineoplasty is 6-8 weeks. You should not lift weights for the first 3 weeks, and you should not have sexual intercourse for at least 6 weeks.

Don't let Vaginismus be your Nightmare!

What is Vaginismus?
How Is It Treated?

In vaginismus, which is also defined as the inability of a woman to have healthy sexual intercourse despite her desire to have sexual intercourse, the woman contracts herself and prevents the penis from entering the vagina.

What are Sexual Dysfunctions?

Sexual dysfunction includes all medical, psychological, social and cultural problems that prevent a male or female individual or couple from having or enjoying healthy and satisfying sex life.Sexual dysfunction is a problem that can occur at any stage of the sexual response cycle. The sexual response includes excitement, orgasm, and relaxation. Desire and arousal are part of the excitement phase of the sexual response. Sexual dysfunction can affect individuals of any age.

What Does Genital Area Aesthetics Cover?

All operations to change the appearance of the genital area are called genital aesthetics.

  1. Labiaplasty (Inner lip aesthetics),
  2. Outer lip aesthetics,
  3. Clitoral hoodoplasty,
  4. Vaginoplasty,
  5. Perineal aesthetics,
  6. Monsplasty (Venus Hill aesthetic),
  7. Vaginal tightening with radiofrequency,
  8. Outer lip tightening with radiofrequency,
  9. Vagina rejuvenation,
  10. Vaginal tightening with laser,
  11. Vulva whitening with laser,
  12. Hymen repair,
  13. Big lip fat filling,
  14. Mesotherapy procedures are the procedures included in genital area aesthetics

What is Genital Aesthetics?

Genital plastic surgery is a definition for all procedures that involve reshaping the labia or vulva for the purpose of a more proportional and aesthetic appearance of the external genitalia. Women generally prefer this surgery because they are uncomfortable with the appearance of their genitals. Operations to change the appearance of the genitals are called genital aesthetics. Although it is considered an aesthetic operation, it also provides functional benefits.

What is Genital Whitening (Bleaching)?

Genital bleaching processes are the whitening of the darkened areas applied to the outer lips and surrounding area. Bleaching can be achieved with the application of laser and some creams.

Our Clinic

Happy Patients

are Telling!


Hello, After 3 years of dating my husband, I got married out of love, but the first night was not what we expected. Since I couldn't ask or tell anyone, we researched the situation online. We stubbornly tried again and again for a while, but unfortunately, we couldn't achieve... I believed that it could not be solved without support, on the other hand, I was thinking that it was very hard to tell something that I could not tell myself to someone. This situation continued for 1.5 years. One day, I came across Doğukan Bey by chance on Instagram. My husband made the appointment. I had hesitations until I went. In the first session, Doğukan Bey's approach, the confidence he gave and his belief that I could succeed almost destroyed my hesitations. As a result of the sessions we made consecutively, I got rid of my fears. Thanks to his guidance, I solved the problem that has been on my mind every second since the first day of our marriage. I used to pray to Allah to get rid of this problem. Now, I have Mr. Doğukan in my prayers. May Allah bless him.


I woke up this morning out of the darkness I've been in for years... I could not be examined in Zeynep Kamil hospital, where I went only for examination to have a child, and the only thing I was told was I had to make an appointment with Dr. Ali Doğukan Anğın. I made an appointment at once and believed it would happen even in the first 10 minutes of the conversation we made with you. I am so grateful to you, I hope to become pregnant soon. I came to you on my worst day. I'll come to you as soon as I become pregnant. Thank you so much for trusting me. Take care of yourself, see you soon... Hello Mr. Ali Doğukan, we made it. I am glad to know you, who was my biggest chance after researching vaginismus on the internet during my holiday that caused my tears on my honeymoon. Thank you very much for the support and positive energy you provided since the first session. Women who have the same problem, please do not delay it. There is nothing we cannot achieve. Deciding to get support is half the battle. Thank you for the value and happiness you add to us.


Hello, I am 41 years old, married for 22 years, and I have always had problems in my sexual life during my marriage. Until I went to Mr. Doğukan. Now my whole life has changed. I am so happy. I know there are many people like me. Believe me, this is a disease and there is a treatment. Thanks very much to Dr. Doğukan.

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